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(800) 524-5181


Our Plans and Pricing

At Health Options AI, we understand that every health journey is unique. That’s why we’ve tailored our plans to offer flexible, comprehensive medical consultation services. Choose from our Silver, Gold, and Diamond plans, each designed to cater to different healthcare needs and budgets.

Silver Plan

Ideal for individuals or families seeking reliable medical opinions for routine health inquiries.
$ 11* Monthly
  • Up to 6 Requests covered per year
  • Covers Immediate Family (Spouse + Kids)
  • Add Parents: $4/month
  • Additional Opinions: $25 each
  • Teleconsultation: Starting at $25 per session

Gold Plan

Perfect for those requiring more extensive coverage and multiple expert opinions.
$ 15* Monthly
  • Up to 8 Requests covered per year
  • Covers Immediate Family (Spouse + Kids)
  • 2 Expert Opinions included per Request
  • Add Parents: $4/month
  • Additional Opinions: $25 each
  • Teleconsultation: Starting at $25 per session

Diamond Plan

For those seeking the utmost in healthcare support and expert opinions.
$ 25* Monthly
  • Up to 12 Requests covered per year
  • Covers Immediate Family + Parents
  • 3 Expert Opinions included per Request
  • Additional Options: $20 each
  • Teleconsultation: Starting at $25 per session
How We Work

What Sets Us Apart

  • Access to Top Experts

    Our network comprises highly experienced doctors and leading multi-speciality hospitals.

  • Global Reach

    We connect you with primarily foreign doctors, bringing a world of medical expertise to your doorstep.

  • Personalized Care

    Our plans are designed to cover you and your family, offering peace of mind and the support you need.

Smiling male doctor holding a clipboard with his team of doctors behind him

Ready to Get Started?

Take the next step in your health journey, contact us today to begin the process. Our team at Health Options AI is here to provide you with the expert medical guidance you deserve.